Development Process & Playtesting

Artwork & Music Design: Angie Zhao

Level Design: Tracy Zhu & Maria Morejon

Code & Implementation: Simon Liu

The mechanic of the limited light source was our first idea, it shaped most of the design and obstacles which followed. We decided that jumping would be a convenient trigger to provide light, as it is usually when you need to see the furthest ahead of you, and that we should not limit the jumps themselves, only the light that is provided with them. Additionally, the light meter would have no effect on the player’s health. We also quickly agreed that it would not include a shooter mechanic, as trying to find aim in the dark would be too difficult. The enemy ghosts, though they only have simple movement patterns, worked well -- since you cannot see them at all times, navigation must be carefully timed. We also decided against having a health-meter or multiple lives because there are only two ways to die -- being “spooked” by a ghost or falling off a platform. Other than that, we included some common platformer standards -- moving platforms, push-able blocks.

  • Playtesting Feedback:
    • Inconsistent layering of platforms 
    • Compelling art design
    • Player does not always die when they fall off
    • Interesting lighting design
    • No animation on death looks weird
    • Strange delay before dying
    • Maybe add new enemies or new abilities

Files Play in browser
Oct 15, 2021

Get Dark Rescue

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